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Welcome to Crystals with Anshi! My name is Anshi and I, along with my husband and two kids make up this small family owned business.


My passion for crystals came in handy when we were looking to do something beyond our 9-5 lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, we still work full-time and take care of our family along with managing this shop so to say we are busy, would be an understatement.


We primarily sell via Live Sales on Instagram and you can see all four of us work as a group to make sure all your crystal needs are taken care of! My 6- year old son, Veer, is usually the star of our Live shows and has his corner that he appropriately named after himself. He picks out the crystals he wants to sell and most of the time, prices them himself. On the other hand, our 10 year old daughter, Jiya, helps us with packaging as well as making goody bags that go into every order. My husband, Amit, is the backbone of the business. He is the one who securely packages your crystals so they can get to their forever homes safely. 


We thank you for choosing Crystals with Anshi for your crystal needs. Your support is truly appreciated.


Love always.

- Anshi 

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